Sunday, January 30, 2011

Movie night

LDS Scholars Present Evidence for Book of Mormon

This video runs a little over an hour and seeks to refute another video called "The Bible vs. The Book of Mormon." Very well done.


While movies with religious, scholarly, or spiritual themes don't always catch the attention of the masses, a growing collection of videos is appearing online that I love to watch when I have some downtime. The problem I've had with most videos online is they are usually very short. I'm sorry, but if I'm watching a brief clip of a presentation without much context, I'm less likely to take the time to view it.

Since YouTube recently increased the time limit for uploaded videos, there is now an opportunity to view more content in one setting without clicking through different segments.

Since 1830 when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was established, rumors quickly spread to discredit the new church and its founder, Joseph Smith. As the scholars point out in the video, many of the claims made in those early days are still being made today. The difference is that there is a significant amount of evidence to debunk these theories of old.

For more such videos, see:

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